Missy Grinnell, Sign Language Interpreter


Missy Grinnell, M.Ed, NIC-Advanced, has been a community and educational sign language interpreter since 1994 and an educator since 1999.  She has worked in the Bozeman School District and at Montana State University (MSU), has interpreted for President Barack Obama and Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and current Governor Steve Bullock.  Other events and activities she has interpreted include:  Dave Roever, Women of Faith, church services at Journey Church and Christian Center, board meetings, Yellowstone National Park tours, MSU campus lectures, MSU Presidential Inauguration, high school graduations, medical appointments, dentist appointments, weddings, conferences, and at many other venues.

Missy is nationally certified (NIC-Advanced) with the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and former president of Montana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (2007-2011).

For more information regarding interpreting, please contact Missy by e-mail or call (406) 580-9630.